Online: 2007-06-05 (9 D)
Monitored: 9 Days
Last Paid:

Forexlives Program Description
Forex Lives Inc
Forex Lives Inc is a group of professional stock traders. Complex world of stock markets is our daily concern. Our group was set up in 2005 in the United States - Chicago, Illinois.
Almost three years of successful development ensured us that we are ready to open our service to the whole world. We are proud of having approximately 2500 offline investors but expansion and development are impossible without further funds' obtaining. In view of responsibility we decided to attract investments online.
Online investment attraction is the best way to make our business grow faster. It allows to manage assets on-the-fly quickly responding to the market situation changes. International stock trading is a great risk, but also a great gain. Our professionalism lets us put rather high interest rate for investments attraction. We deal with domestic and foreign stocks, short-term money market instruments, bonds and other securities.
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