Online: 2019-01-21 (2 D)
Monitored: 2 Days
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TradesBtc Program Description
Trades BTC is an investment company uniting Forex market and cryptocurrency asset management. Complex world of markets is our daily concern. Our mission is to obtain funds for further management. Years of successful development for money management in private section ensured us that we are ready to open our service to the whole world. Internet has become the most convenient and widespread communication source, that's why in view of responsibility we decided to bring our service via internet and attract investors online. Our goal at Trades BTC is to provide a comprehensive resource for our clients new to the market or with limited experience trading foreign currencies, or interested in cryptocurrency exchange. What started out as a market for professionals is now attracting traders from all over the world, and of all experience levels and all because of online trading and investment. We always offer the best investment packages and strive for the maintenance of a good level of customers' service. Today we stand on a solid ground and face the future positively.
We trade - You Earn!
Our Mission:
Today, our investors have an excellent opportunity to use long-term investment portfolios with different risk/reward profiles, from the most conservative ones to portfolios with a higher level of profitability, allowing the company's clients to diversify the asset risks. In addition to this, the company has developed special marketing solutions, enabling everyone who wants to become a partner to have access to the individual promotion program!
Corporate spirit:
We believe that the reputation of our company is a direct result of the intentions and actions of all our employees and shareholders, and the word said is a matter of honor for each of us. Respecting personal rights and beliefs, we promote and encourage their implementation within the framework of a single corporate idea. We acknowledge the personal responsibility for the quality of the services we offer. Each of us is personally responsible for our actions and the consequences that they may entail for both the company and our partners and customers.
Innovation And Ambitiousness
We are in constant search of new opportunities for achieving better results. We invest in the development of advanced technologies and are the first to apply them to solve the problems of our customers. We come up with and implement new ideas that change the world for the better. We are confident in our own strengths and are ready to overcome any obstacles to solve the most difficult tasks. This confidence is based on our capabilities and real achievements, which allows us to make serious commitments, be responsible for the result and always remain winners. We use the talent, knowledge and skills of our employees in achieving their goals. We are committed to the idea of a long-term and mutually beneficial partnership based on mutual trust and decency.
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