Online: 2014-09-18 (9 D)
Monitored: 8 Days
Last Paid:

SwitchToBit Program Description
We are not a Team of Forex Experts or Sports Betting Professionals, nor do we do Arbitrage Trading.
What we are is a Team of Experienced Hyip Industry Insiders with years of experience.
Ask yourself, do you want to join a program that is telling you stories about "Real Business"? Or do you want to join a program that is run by Hyip professionals?
What we offer is a money making opportunity for individuals using Bitcoin.
Why have we decided on Bitcoin Only? We feel Bitcoin is superior to all other e-currencies when making investments. The number one reason is transaction fees. The number two reason accessibility. was created with the hopes that many individuals will switch to Bitcoin as their preferred method of e-currency.
We have been observing this vast void in the Hyip Industry for some time now. We honestly feel that NOW is the time to SWITCH TO BIT!
Due to the current laws and regulations many Americans are left with no way of participating in money making opportunities such as this one. This is nothing new. For quite some time, U.S. legislation has made it nearly impossible for Americans to partake in these opportunities and it's only getting worse.
You don't need to be an American to take advantage of what has to offer. You don't even need to like Americans. You should understand that Americans love Hyips and Bitcoin. Let's unite them. This is beneficial to the entire Hyip Industry regardless of race, gender or nationality.
Find out how and why you should be using Bitcoin by visiting the "Why Bitcoin" page.
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