Online: 2012-05-02 (67 D)
Monitored: 67 Days
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Racing Rate Program Description
Horse racing is evaluation of horses, a test of their speed and endurance. It is important to understand that, contrary to a widespread opinion, it is not a part of equestrian sports. Generally, horse races are held at racetracks where people make money by betting on the results of the tote board. In most countries horses are evaluated according to the amount of winnings. The most outstanding winners become very popular studs, and breeding with them may cost dozens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Horse racing has a multi-million-dollar annual turnover of betting, deductions from which help to sponsor and support horse breeding in this or that country. It has been a prize sport for a long time. Experts often call it just racing sport or sports race.
Making profitable horse racing bets is what we successfully do. This sport has a great advantage for those who are exited about big winnings, since races are held daily all year round. Our professional team makes bets everyday both at the racetracks as well as online. We use the successful strategy of "forks", so we always have profit irrespectively of the race results
How do we use the strategy of "forks" online? First of all, we choose the proper horse race. We do it according to the following criteria:
It is desirable that the bets are no less than 100 thousand dollars and they are made 5-10 min. prior to the start of the race. Typically, such races are held in the UK.
The race must be at the distance which is at least 2 miles.
The coefficient of the favorite must be no less than 2 and no more than 6.
The betting dynamics should not be constantly falling. It is preferable to choose rising or fluctuating dynamics.
The favorite must not be too obvious, that is, with coefficient less than 2, with the difference more than 2 with the nearest contestant, having much more wins over the other horses in previous races.
What we do next. 2-3 minutes before the start we make a bet against the favorite. The optimal coefficient of the favorite generally ranges from 2 to 6. Keep in mind that if we bet $5 at 5, our bank must be at least $20, since it's our our obligation in case of the loss (5?5-5=20), otherwise the bet will not be accepted. We also need to have $5 to make the opposite bet, which will be from $4 to $5 depending on the size of the "fork". So, the total amount is $25. The bet "against" must not be less than $4.5-$5, because we make the the bet "for" with a 10-20% "fork" on $4-$4,5, but the bets less than $4 are not accepted.
Then, using the calculator of "forks" we calculate the sum of the opposite bet to get profit anyway.
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