Online: 2010-01-26 (778 D)
Monitored: 48 Days
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Monixa Program Description
Monixa is an independently owned and operated company consisting of nothing but experienced, highly-trained financial professionals. We help to build partnerships and achieve goals by finding unique investment options.
The primary mission of our Company is to create economic value for its clients and investor-co-partners through the identification and acquisition of trading assets that provide above-average returns to investors and display significant upside potential. Our main focus is on various foreign exchange and currency related investment opportunities. Primarily, we focus on day trading and related traditional investment options.
Monixa provides alternative investments
to individual and institutional investors. With Monixa you will make big profits because we have a winning combination of professional investment expertise and our unique trading technology, not to mention speed, flexibility and a rigorously-disciplined investment approach. The goal of Monixa is to generate extraordinarily huge and risk adjusted rates of return.
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