Online: 2010-06-02 (14 D)
Monitored: 12 Days
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Master Forex Group Program Description
Master Forex Group Business is one of the leading private investment companies offering global investment services over the Internet. To prevent money volatility generally common to forex, our company has the privilege to set up a unique investment method: Investment in MLM prevent loose of money. We are the first today to understand that fact. Multi Level Marketing professional, highly experienced investment brokers specializing in foreign currency exchange markets manage Master Forex Group Business. The idea to create new investment company, with a new investment concept, was born in 2003. It took approximately 4 years to design, program, test and improve the new trading algorithms (combine MLM, forex and stock accounts criteria) until the system began to show exceptional investment results. This system, while allowing for data input, at the same time prevented traders from acting on emotions, which is the main reason for trading losses. In 2008, Master Forex Group Business started offering investment services to general public and online services in 2010. During 2007-2009 the initial capital of the company has significantly grown, which allowed us to generate significant reserve fund, thus ensuring investor deposits. Current company managed capital has grown to approximately 63 million US dollars total.
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