Online: 2015-10-16 (150 D)
Monitored: 45 Days
Last Paid: 3230 days ago
Hydrogen Energy Inc. Program Description
Hydrogen Energy Inc. are the first hydrogen fuel cell manufacturer who implemented this technology in megawatt-class stationary fuel cell power plants, to generate a big gross profit. Now we a trying to become the first manufacturer of portable hydrogen fuel cell (AA/AAA battery class) on the market.
We invest in the development of hydrogen technology. Fuel cells directly convert the chemical energy in hydrogen to electricity, with pure water and potentially useful heat. A conventional combustion-based power plant typically generates electricity at efficiencies of 33-35%, while hydrogen fuel cell systems can generate electricity at efficiencies up to 60% (and even higher with cogeneration). Our portable hydrogen fuel cell (AA/AAA battery class) will be generate energy for 150% longer than modern Li-ion battery.
Every 30 days will change the percent on the deposit:
1 month - 4.0%
2 month - 4.1%
3 month - 4.2%
4 month - 4.3%
To increase the profit of our investors!
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