Online: 2011-12-07 (83 D)
Monitored: 69 Days
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FX Moguls Program Description
Welcome to FX Moguls
Honesty, Transparency and Integrity are the foundation and basis of our years of work that has gone into FX Moguls LTD. Over the years we have come across numerous gurus and strategical advisors who claimed to have the holy grail of FX trading, yet they all had one fata flaw; they weren't programmed to adapt to the ever changing market.
We are in one of the most profitable times for the financial markets and we have created two systems which show an average 94% win rate. This is not marketing hype, but true results on live forward tests. With an EA this powerful it is not something that we are willing to release to the masses. Hence FX Moguls was born.
FXmoguls LTD guarantees the security of all principal deposits into our club. All of our testing forward and back have been done risking no more than 1% on any trade. Thus allowing our high win percentage to shine while ensuring that our initial capital remains in tact.
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